“WECC” accepts cash, checks, money orders, Visa and Master Card.
All customers are required to keep a current credit card on file with “WECC”, and must complete a credit card authorization form. If the credit card on file expires or the customer wishes to place a different credit card on file, it is the customer’s responsibility to do so before the 6th day of the month.
All charges at “WECC” are billed on or about the 1st day of each month and become due immediately. Customers have until the 5th day of each month to pay the balance due on their account via cash, check, etc. All amounts remaining due on the 6th day of the month will be charged to the credit card on file for the account. Any accounts with a balance due after the 6th day of the month will automatically be charged a $25.00 late fee, and the student(s) associated with the account may be withheld from participating in activities at “WECC”. This includes accounts in which the credit card transaction on their account is declined for any reason. Any check/money order returned unpaid for any reason will incur a $25.00 return fee and a $25.00 late fee. If more than 1 check/money order is returned from the same customer within a 6 month period we will no longer accept checks/money orders from that customer as a form of payment.
All customers must pay a $50.00 annual registration fee to participate in any activities at “WECC”. This annual registration fee will be automatically billed to the customer’s account in the same month the next year if they are currently enrolled in any activities at “WECC” at that time.
“WECC” requires the first month’s tuition as well as a tuition deposit to be paid in full when registering for activities at “WECC”. All customers must submit an Activity Drop Form on or before the 5th day of the month, one month prior to dropping any class/activity at “WECC”. This notice should be given to the “WECC” front office. If this notice is not received by the 5th day of the month, one month prior to dropping an activity, the tuition deposit will be forfeited.
“WECC” does not refund tuition for any reason.
“WECC” does not offer “Make-Up” classes unless “WECC” cancels a class due to unforeseen circumstances. In the case of a cancelled class, “WECC” will offer a “Make-Up” class on a Saturday within 4 weeks of the class cancellation. In the event “WECC” is not able to schedule the “Make-Up” class within 4 weeks, “WECC” will credit 25% of the monthly class tuition amount back to the customer’s account. Note: This does not pertain to All-Star teams.
“WECC” offers classes taught by well qualified instructors. In certain cases your instructor may be unavailable to teach your class on any given day. If so, another qualified instructor will teach the class, or the class may be combined with another class teaching the same skills provided combining the classes does not exceed the maximum enrollment for the class.
Many classes at “WECC” will maintain a full enrollment. If you would like to enroll in a class that is currently full, please ask to be put on the Wait List for the class. When a spot opens in the class we will contact the first name on the Wait List for enrollment. We will try contacting every point of contact we have for you, however, if we are unable to contact you we will move to the next name on the Wait List. In the event we were unable to contact you we will keep you at the top of the Wait List for the next available opening. You must have a current registration form on file in order to be placed on the Wait List.
Students with a current registration form on file may “Drop-In” on any class that is not currently full for $20.00. Students will only be allowed to “Drop-In” classes that are of their specific level.
“WECC” offers private instruction for those who are interested. Please see our Private Instruction Policies if you are interested in private instruction.
Only “WECC” staff, currently registered students and invited guests are allowed in the gym area at any time. Parents are not allowed in the gym except for special events. Students are only allowed in the gym during their normal class times.
The parent observation area is reserved for parents/families wishing to observe their student in class. Please refrain from commenting about other students, and maintain control of your children in the parent viewing area so others can enjoy watching their students.